Forever Cholesterol Burner

FIGHT AGAINST CHOLESTEROL NOW What is cholesterol? Cholesterol is a type of fat that circulates in your blood. Cholesterol comes from two sources: Your body makes some cholesterol on its own, regardless of what you eat. Cholesterol also comes from the foods you eat. Cholesterol is found only in animal products. Foods from plants do not contain cholesterol . What's so bad about cholesterol? CALL/WHATSAPP 0245138698 AND PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW Y our body produces more than enough cholesterol on its own to stay healthy. Most Americans eat far too much cholesterol and fat, which can raise blood cholesterol levels. High levels of cholesterol can lead to heart disease . Excess LDL cholesterol in your blood gets deposited in arteries, the blood vessels that feed the heart and brain. These deposits can join with other substances to form plaque. Plaque is a thick, hard deposit in the blood vessel. The name for build-up of plaque in the arterie...